Along the way, Spyro meets some new friends who the player controls, as he tries to recover around 150 eggs and thousands of gems. Along the way, Bianca ends up deciding to help Spyro after realizing how corrupt the Sorceress is, and without spoiling anything, there are a few nifty revelations about the history of the dragons.

An evil Sorceress sends her apprentice Bianca to steal the eggs of the dragon realm, and it is up to Spyro and Hunter to follow Bianca to her world and recover the eggs. The story for this one is nice, but it never quite gels as well as the first two. Also, the camera controls have gone out the window, and they are far less responsive in this game than the first two. The new characters are too loose and will cause a lot of unintended deaths and accidents. But this game introduces a host of new characters (including a Penguin, a Kangaroo, a Yeti and a Monkey) that the player controls, and they just don't control well at all. Spyro controls perfectly, as he has in other games. Here's where the game goes a little south. Some returning themes and musical styles are nice, and the voice over work is decent as always. The music is great and whimsical as always. The animation is also a bit "wonky" at times. The light-hearted style is nice to look at, but even for the Playstation, the models were a bit over-blocky, and there's a lot of texture warping and shifting and popping which drove me nuts. There has been essentially no upgrade over the previous two games in terms of graphics. First of all, a break-down: Graphics: 7 out of 10. And it was a fun, nostalgic, but underwhelming experience.

A few days ago, I finally started this third game, intent on finishing up the original trilogy. (Though never quite up to par with other classics like "Super Mario 64.") Tragically, I never got to play the third game until recently, when as a 24-year-old, I downloaded the three games on my PS3 for nostalgia's sake. They were great examples of 3D platformers done right. I was 10 when the original game came out, and I played it and its first sequel several times when I was a child and young teen. I grew up with "Spyro." The original trilogy, before the hit-and-miss sequels and the needless, underwhelming "Legend" reboots which almost ruined the franchise.